Dear Michelle

Hello Michelle, my name is John Perez and i am a counselor myself. I am a 21 year old college graduate now focusing into being a full time counselor. I hope that the advice i try giving you will benefit and help you realize a few things. Moving forward, I read your blog and I know the situation you are in. It’s not necessary to over think your relationship with Ivan. i hope you will be able to realize that maybe opening up to him yet maybe won’t be the best option given.

What i’m trying to say is that patience is key.  One of the few options would be to wait and get to know him more. Don’t only look at the perfections but the flaws he holds as well. this is the best choice because if you find yourself rushing things you won’t be in a stable condition with him. If you don’t take the time to meet his true self you can fall in love with someone who might not have the best intentions for you. If you don’t do this the relationship might not be the best. You’ll see things you don’t like and try changing him but he’ll refuse because that’s who he is.

Another helpful tip would be to maybe sit down and think about the situation through. Is this someone you need or someone you want temporarily. This is as well a good idea because you don’t want to out yourself in something that won’t be worth it in the long run. If this isn’t an option you want to pick maybe you should try speaking to one of your close friends and see what they personally feel about the situation you’re in. Thiss a good idea because the thought they have can help you by giving you ideas you didn’t think of before.

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