
Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination is seriously your largest enemy from now on so forget bullies. Our best tips to avoid the delay is to create a homework schedule and stick to it. By writing down all of your assignments in your planner you will have the urge to finish things sooner than later.

Don’t skip class

Unless you’re really sick or have a family emergency, it’s best to sit your butt in that seat, no matter how much you don’t want to be there. It can be really hard to catch up on even just one class in high school, so if you can be there, then, be there. I previously had to miss school and totally regret it because there is an overwhelming amount of work that must get done. 

Be on time

The earlier you are for classes, the more teachers will respect you and take you seriously. That’ll be huge when,  you want to change project partners when you’re partnered up with a slacker, or you really need an extension on that essay. Genuinely befriending your teachers is a great way to survive your high school years. 

Office Hours!!!

Office hours will indeed help you if you are stuck on a certain problem for math class or just don’t know how to get that essay started for English. Your teachers are there to help so take advantage of that and go bother them (not really). They are more happy to help  and I know you’ll appreciate the extra help. 

Don’t let a relationship consume your life

Although relationships are wonderful things to have, your education always comes first. Talk to your significant other about this—perhaps create some sort of “work, then talk” schedule for dates and what not during weeknights, and on the eve of huge tests. Having a good balance between school and relationships will really help! 

Listen and Pay Attention

Picture of Listen and Pay Attention

Your teachers know what they’re doing when they teach, so listen up. Plus, teachers get really irritated with people who don’t listen and “disrupt the learning process.” If they tell you to save something, save it. It will help when you are reviewing for tests. Paying attention in class will allow you to learn more and will also make both reviewing and actually taking those tests and quizzes a lot easier than just cramming. 

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