
Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination is seriously your largest enemy from now on so forget bullies. Our best tips to avoid the delay is to create a homework schedule and stick to it. By writing down all of your assignments in your planner you will have the urge to finish things sooner than later.

Don’t skip class

Unless you’re really sick or have a family emergency, it’s best to sit your butt in that seat, no matter how much you don’t want to be there. It can be really hard to catch up on even just one class in high school, so if you can be there, then, be there. I previously had to miss school and totally regret it because there is an overwhelming amount of work that must get done. 

Be on time

The earlier you are for classes, the more teachers will respect you and take you seriously. That’ll be huge when,  you want to change project partners when you’re partnered up with a slacker, or you really need an extension on that essay. Genuinely befriending your teachers is a great way to survive your high school years. 

Office Hours!!!

Office hours will indeed help you if you are stuck on a certain problem for math class or just don’t know how to get that essay started for English. Your teachers are there to help so take advantage of that and go bother them (not really). They are more happy to help  and I know you’ll appreciate the extra help. 

Don’t let a relationship consume your life

Although relationships are wonderful things to have, your education always comes first. Talk to your significant other about this—perhaps create some sort of “work, then talk” schedule for dates and what not during weeknights, and on the eve of huge tests. Having a good balance between school and relationships will really help! 

Listen and Pay Attention

Picture of Listen and Pay Attention

Your teachers know what they’re doing when they teach, so listen up. Plus, teachers get really irritated with people who don’t listen and “disrupt the learning process.” If they tell you to save something, save it. It will help when you are reviewing for tests. Paying attention in class will allow you to learn more and will also make both reviewing and actually taking those tests and quizzes a lot easier than just cramming. 

Peer Pressure

“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”
—  Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird

When they warn you about peer pressure no one warns you that you can be cornered into doing things you aren’t comfortable with or don’t want to do by people you trust and it doesn’t always have to do with ‘what the cool kids are doing’ it can be as subtle as being different because in school being different is pressure enough.

When they warn you about peer pressure in school they tell you about drugs and alcohol; they tell you about people offering you weed or beer and telling you ‘all the cool kids are doing it’. They talk about peer pressure like it is obvious and so easy to spot that you can joke about it when the conversation comes up among your friends.

What they don’t tell you is how it can unnoticeable and consistent it can be. What they don’t tell you is that ‘no thanks’ is never the end of it and that its not always about drugs or alcohol.

No lesson is being taught on the dangers of peer pressure which includes the feeling of ‘outsideness’.  They never teach you about the self-consciousness when all of your friends are doing things you know they shouldn’t be doing and teasing you about being the ‘parent’. It’s not always a forceful pressure and they don’t always mean to press on you. but even the strongest stone can be carved away by drop after drop of water.

No one warned me about the peer pressure that comes with being the only one who doesn’t have a crush. No one warned me about feeling ashamed and anxious about being the only one who had never kissed anyone. No one warned me how feeling kind of grossed out by the idea of sex would make knots in my stomach but to others it wouldn’t.

Back in middle school no one warned me about the peer pressure that comes when a friend in my social group had a crush on me. No one warned me how uncomfortable I would be with it, or how much my friends would tease me about never having a boyfriend, or tell me now was my chance, or exclude me from group dates. No one warned me that my friends would tell me I was heartless for not giving them a chance, or they wouldn’t speak to me again if I didn’t date them because it was cruel for me to not to give them a chance when we were friends and they were into me.

Sometimes peer pressure goes unnoticed because since you are near a close group of friends it doesn’t seem like it. We must always be our true self, even if it might not seem like the best idea because the fear of losing your friends rises.

I had to go through a moment where I sincerely asked what I was doing in that situation because it was not like me. The people around me had done nothing wrong but I knew that the fact that I was out late, without my parents’ consent wasn’t like me at all. I had to look pass the teasing and name calling because I knew that I needed to be true to myself. I learned to accept myself for me and made a promise to never lie to myself into believing something I knew was against my morality.

One of the most important lessons learned when growing up is to “listen to the beat of your own drum.” People will respect you more and go towards you if you don’t follow the crowd. It takes a lot of courage to be your own person, and to be comfortable in your own skin, but doing so will not only boost your confidence, it will make you the “cool” one.

Trip to the aquarium

My experience at the aquarium was very fun and interesting but tiring as well. At the aquarium we walked a lot and got to hang out with close friends as well. One thing that i enjoyed the most was touching the jellyfish and star fish. We also got to build fish tanks and even got to see the real tanks the aquarium built inside.

The most interesting part for me was touching the jellyfish and the starfish. I stayed at the jellyfish section for almost 15 minutes because the texture was different, so was the starfishes. We were able to touch the jellyfish because our skin is too thick to be stung. My favorite ones were the ones with the pink stomach because that means they ate a lot. The guy also mentioned that those jellyfish in particular had 6 stomachs.

I think the bad side of the trip was that we had to leave early, because i really enjoyed the trip. I hadn’t visited the aquarium for years now so that was kind of exciting. Another part that i didn’t enjoy was seeing the sharks because i’m terrified of sharks but it wasn’t so bad this time. I would’ve also wanted to go see the birds that land on your hand because many people got to feel the birds on them and i think that would’ve been a good experience as well. The chance of going was overall great though, i found it very interesting.



Transitioning from middle school to high school can be real tough! Coming from someone who has survived their first semester of high school can tell you that the major key to success is to stay organized. 

As easy as it might sound, it can be quite tough to accomplish, with our help we can make it easier to stay organized with these steps.

1. Have a planner

Before school starts for the year, grab a planner at a local school supply store. Make sure it’s small, but has enough room for you to write more than one assignment per subject. A planner will help you remember test dates and what’s due for what class and when after a long break. Having a planner to track every assignment you must do will definitely help you with keeping track of what you must do, what you have done and what will be set aside for later. Having the accomplishment of having everything checked off by the end of the day feels like you have your stuff,  ,together. Also, write down any after-school things like club meetings and practices, and make sure to include start and end times.

Can’t you just see the accomplishment?

2. Get some sleep

After a long day all our bodies want is rest. I know you might have that essay due tomorrow, or some type of assignment due but make sure you give yourself a break. Our bodies are amazing but they need time off from all the activities they accomplished that day. Getting enough rest can help reduce stress and help you take on the next day. Make sure to schedule everything and if time is used wisely, sleeping will be something you’ll find yourself doing a lot.

3. Use an alarm

Using an alarm will definitely help you wake up in the morning but it’s not only for that. It helps you keep track of how long it takes you to do certain tasks. I use an alarm to help me get a time check and better my time management. Using an alarm will help you become more productive when trying to complete tasks and will also help you become more efficient. It also helps you limit certain “screen time” because believe it or not, what might seem like five minutes on Instagram, might actually be an hour. 

4. Labels !

Labels will definitely help you become a lot more organized. Keeping your binder from becoming into an overwhelming stack of papers will be thanks to labels and tabs put in there. Each label and tab can be used to represent each class you have and the number of assignments you have and need to finish. I tend to put more important assignments near the front of the specific section so it can be a friendly reminder that it must be completed before other assignments. 

*bonus* Stay away from the Netflix – Being on social media will hurt you get your homework done without being surrounded by any twitter or Instagram what not because it will make you become a intense procrastinator and a person that procrastinates well.Make sure to avoid using such time consuming things during weekdays when you know you have school work to complete.

By: Jackelinne Rodriguez

Field trip to the aquarium

By: Jackelinne Rodriguez

My class went to the aquarium yesterday to explore marine life and many other animals. I unfortunately did not go because I had an experience of a lifetime the past week. I went to Santa Clara to perform with various artists that are very popular in pop culture internationally. My orchestra and I shared the stage at the Superbowl halftime show with artists such as Beyonce, Coldplay, and Bruno Mars. It was an amazing experience from beginning to start. My orchestra had stayed in a hotel in Salinas and were greeted by guests staying at the hotel there as well.

I’m in the middle of all the amazing energy !

Pretty proud of my fellow buddies in the orchestra 🙂

My favorite part about the whole trip was getting a chance to really get to know my peers and have a chance to connect with them in a deeper level. Including the fact that I GOT TO MEET AND BREATHE THE SAME AIR AS QUEEN B, COLDPLAY, AND BRUNO MARS, they were all very humble people and excited to see us there. Despite the long hour rehearsals and sleepless nights just trying to get the notes right, I was glad to see it paid off.

Being on stage and seeing the thousands of people in front of us made me speechless. I couldn’t believe my eyes and my heart stopped for a quick second. It was sad to see it all finally end and head back into the bus so that our group could get ready to be leaving the next day. Heading back to LA, my peers and I already missed the hotel and the memories made there. Getting off of the bus seeing a lot of families, news reporters and cameras greeting and welcoming us  back home. Filled in tears, I was glad I was not the only one. The past week had been a lot to take in and I still don’t think my little heart has processed everything yet. I had tons of fun and can’t wait for what new opportunities the future holds for my orchestra and I. 

Field Trip

Yesterday we arrived at school are 8 Pm. Our freshman class was going to an aquarium for our first field trip this year. The bus arrived to our school at around 9 and we all got on the bus with our different groups and sat with a partner. The drive was a hour long but time went fast because I was talking with my friends and messing around.

When we arrived we made sure everyone in our group was there. Then we walked a little and we had a class. The lady that was working there made us build a tank that will filter water. There were multiple tools that we got o build it. My group was just my friends and we were the first group to finish.We had a lot of fun in that short amount of time.

After the class we got to walk around and look at fishes. The lunch came and i was with my group but then i went to a different group. I went with my friends to a little store to buy things to drink. After lunch we saw more fishes and then we came home.

Dear Abby,

I moved to a new school and I am having trouble meeting new friends. In one of my classes i have talked to this boy named Ivan but only once because i asked him for help. I have a crush on him but I have a problem i get shy when i start talking to a boy I like. He is in my math class and we sit next to each other. When the teacher calls on me i get nervous because i don’t want to say the wrong answer. He makes me feel butterfly’s in my stomach every time i have class with him. I start to blush when he talks to me or looks at me and smiles. I don’t know what to do hes the only person in the school I have talked too and I don’t want to lose my only friend.

What should i do? We don’t really talk but i still don’t want to lose him. I  want maybe have a relationship with him or even just be friends. I don’t know what to do and i need help. Maybe i’m over thinking this but if i lose him i will be a loner with no friends and i don’t want that to happen.

Sincerely, Michelle

Dear Michelle

Hello Michelle, my name is John Perez and i am a counselor myself. I am a 21 year old college graduate now focusing into being a full time counselor. I hope that the advice i try giving you will benefit and help you realize a few things. Moving forward, I read your blog and I know the situation you are in. It’s not necessary to over think your relationship with Ivan. i hope you will be able to realize that maybe opening up to him yet maybe won’t be the best option given.

What i’m trying to say is that patience is key.  One of the few options would be to wait and get to know him more. Don’t only look at the perfections but the flaws he holds as well. this is the best choice because if you find yourself rushing things you won’t be in a stable condition with him. If you don’t take the time to meet his true self you can fall in love with someone who might not have the best intentions for you. If you don’t do this the relationship might not be the best. You’ll see things you don’t like and try changing him but he’ll refuse because that’s who he is.

Another helpful tip would be to maybe sit down and think about the situation through. Is this someone you need or someone you want temporarily. This is as well a good idea because you don’t want to out yourself in something that won’t be worth it in the long run. If this isn’t an option you want to pick maybe you should try speaking to one of your close friends and see what they personally feel about the situation you’re in. Thiss a good idea because the thought they have can help you by giving you ideas you didn’t think of before.

Finding yourself, 9th grade survival guide

         My name is Michelle Reynoso and i am a ninth grade student. One of the major problems students are phasing is loss of self identity. Many individuals are having trouble with the type of friends they wanna be around and sometimes even what is influencing them. It causes stress and it’s making kids lose their inner self. Some tend to change and get distracted by the ones near them. This guide will help you prepare yourself for those changes and make you comfortable with who you are. You can make wiser decisions and know yourself better as a person.

Image result for finding yourselfImage result for finding yourself


First, you must feel comfortable with yourself, physically and emotionally. Know that you couldn’t be anybody else and if that’s what you’re aiming for the most you can possibly do is change your decisions. You should never feel like impressing someone is the key because if people truly love you it’s for what you want to do not them.



Sometimes you can get annoyed of certain people telling you that friends are our major influences as we grow and it’s true. People that you surround yourself by are who you’re trying to be or who you’re becoming. “ Tell me who you hang out with and i’ll tell you who you are”. You have to find motivation in the people around you, if they aren’t helping you and pushing you what are they doing.



If you do anything do it for you. Never think about what’s going to make others happy. People have different backgrounds and different opinions no one will ever think like you. Identity will never be validated by others, hate will come and go as long as it’s being ignored you grow not them.



Sometimes all you need is to think about yourself and what you need. It’s okay to care about you because at the end of the day only you’re there for yourself. Don’t sacrifice yourself for those who won’t even go out of there way for you. Take a moment to reflect and take a moment to appreciate yourself for overcoming what you have.



If being yourself involves going out of your way to become happy i more than anyone encourage you. Different is beautiful, different is unique. Acceptance is only expected for yourself not by others. The only thing others do need to give you is respect and you will get it. Sometimes while you become different and show how accepting you are with yourself it benefits and helps others. You make others want to be themselves.


I hope these easy, simple steps can encourage you to do some minor changes. These steps can not only benefit you but can help you grow as a person as well. Once you do find yourself you become a better more understanding person and overall happy kid. Thank you for visiting this survival site and i hope this helped you reflect.
Sincerely, Michelle Reynoso

Surviving high school as a student athlete

My name is John Perez and I am a 9th grade student athlete. In this blog help will be provided in order to be a successful student athlete, being organized, and incorporating that finding yourself might take some while even in the crowded hallways of your school. There are many ways to make your high school experience easier while being a student athlete. Being a student athlete and maintaining your grades is not as easy as it seems.

Organize yourself by:

        One way you can keep yourself organized is having a clean locker. The last thing you want is you going crazy during passing period looking for you work for the next class. Its better to have a clean and organized locker where you can find anything you want almost instantly. You can add shelves to your locker so you put your work for one class on one shelf and other work for a different class on another.

A way you can be organized is having a clean binder. Having a clean binder can help    you. For example, having dividers can help you have a binder that is organized. You can have a divider for each class so you know where the work for that class is. It will help you know where all your work for different classes are located. As well as it helping you not lose your work. Having a clean binder can help you save time during class by getter your papers right away and starting your work rather then spending 5 minutes looking for one paper.

Maintaining time to do homework:

Being a student athlete I know after practice you are extremely tired. After practice you just want to go home and go to sleep but you know you still need to do your homework. Here is a little tip when you finish you classwork for any class and your teachers let you do homework for his/her maybe even another class do it while you can. lets say you finish homework for one class that is may take 30 minutes you can save time to do other homework and now you will get you homework done faster.

You can also do your homework during lunch many people download.jpgmay not want to do it because it is there time to ” rest ” but in 30 or 40 minutes of lunch you can finish homework for one class and may even have time to do homework for another class. You may finish the homework with still time for you to rest during lunch. This way after practice you won’t have to do as much homework when you get home.

Make up work:

I know that when your a student athlete sometimes you leave early from school to go to one of your games. That is not an excuse for you not to do the work that the teachers give. Teachers are always at school early in the morning and mostly leave pretty late. That means you have every morning and everyday after school to check in with your teachers that you have missing work from.

If you are not understanding any subject for any reason check in with the teachers I’m sure they will  be glad to help you. You can check in any time with the teacher for help you can even check in during your passing period anything will help. You can also check in during lunch. In my school teachers have office hours. During office hours you can get help with the teacher is your not understanding what you are learning. You can receive missing work and you can check up on your grades. Office hours is very useful and can help you out a lot.

Thank you 

There are many ways you can make your high school experience easier while being a student athlete. Many little things may help you like checking in with your teachers being organized and managing you time to do homework.