A little introduction

Hey! Welcome to your ultimate guide to survive high school! High school is tough and we are here to make your high school experience better
to get through. Coming from the point of view of someone who is currently attending high school, I know the struggle is real! Do not be fooled by the movies made about high school because REAL high school does not turn out to be like that, sadly. Entering or currently enrolled in a high school, here are your tips and tricks you can use to have your sleepless nights and stress seem worth it.

High school is the time where you have some grasp of who you are, and who you’ll become as you mature into a young adult. You will meet people who will stay with you for life, but most of them will simply stay high school friends. We hope this guide will help you enjoy your high school life to the fullest.


In this blog we’ll help you get through all kind of  from being a successful student athlete, being organized, and incorporating that finding yourself might take some while even in the crowded hallways of your school. There are many ways to make your high school experience easier while being a student athlete. Being a student athlete and maintaining your grades is not easy.